Dum Vivimus Servimus

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

The Chili and Cornbread was as expected and the fall weather fit it perfectly. I even wore a long sleeved shirt today.

The Tech game on Saturday has been moved to 3:30 pm which sets up great for me to go to the Etowah Volleyball Regionals at St. Pius.

I love this cartoon. Educators now have may have an even greater impact on the future of America than ever before. That is if we are going to compete globally. Look at this from the recent Tech and Learning Webinar I participated in."China’s plan today is to educate 15-20% of their population...they have 1.3 billion people. Therefore, they will have more college graduates than we have people in the United States!" Yes we are underpaid and overworked but so were the heros who ran into the World Trade Center. Both of us are fighting for our nation's future. OK enough soap boxing.


  • What Etowah Volleyball? Did you mean Tech Volleball?


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:15 AM  

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