Dum Vivimus Servimus

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Bush faces pressure to block port deal

Lawmakers voice concerns about takeover by Dubai-based firm

Tom Ridge told CNN, "I think the anxiety and the concern [over the deal] that has been expressed by congressmen and senators and elsewhere is legitimate."

Ridge said, "The bottom line is, I think we need a little bit more transparency here. There are some legitimate concerns about who would be in charge of hiring and firing, security measures, added technology in these ports that we'll need to upgrade our security."

"So I think it's very appropriate for the administration to go to the Hill and explain why they think they have not compromised security and, in fact, as they've announced, they will enhance and improve security," he said. "It's tough to see that right now on the surface."


The world is gone mad. I am not supporting Bush but Ican understand that he did not know about this. Heck I work in a school of only about 100 employees and can't keep up with who is and isn't pregnant.

I also think that the Congress needs to be told info but national security says some things may need to remain secret. However, as this is not seemingly the case and as both sides of the aisle are now screaming perhaps the President needs to say we are going to slow this down I am personally with Congressional leaders look at this and find the solution.

Of God I am helping W. I need a shower...


  • I think you probably feel the same way I felt when I found out that Jimmy Carter and I were actually (to some extent) on the same side of this issue. It's an ookie feeling, isn't it?

    Haven't been tracking this today, but when I read about it yesterday, my response was "OK. So?"

    Even if Bush DID know about the deal,I'm not really upset about it at this point. Ownership of the FOREIGN company who is currently managing the ports is changing...it just so happens that it's to a Middle Eastern country.

    Security for the ports will remain unchanged...Customs and the Coast Guard will be no less involved when Dubai takes over than they are now (in fact, they may even become more stringent in light of the political aspects of this). Having worked for a company which was taken over by a European powerhouse for a spell, I can tell you that the foreign takeover of a company is not going to fundamentally change the existing procedures, management, etc.

    I'm also assuming that whoever greenlighted this deal did their due-diligence and is making certain that Homeland Security is addressed in this. Granted, it's an ASSUMPTION, but a pretty safe one.

    Besides, we're not talking about Iran here. It's DUBAI. Their extension of a "laurel...and hearty handshake" (go ahead...name the movie) to MICHAEL JACKSON should be proof positive that we're not dealing with a horrible Islamo-fascist theocracy.

    The basic question is: Would we be throwing a temper-tantrum about this if Greece was buying the company? Probably not.

    Yes, there is justification for doing our due-diligence and if some oversight committee wants to look at it, fine. I just think we'd be sending out a VERY bad signal if we sent out a wholesale "cease-and-desist" on this deal because a Middle Eastern country is involved.

    Wow. Clay and I have a political post where we are mostly in agreement. Who'd have thunk it?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:09 PM  

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