Dum Vivimus Servimus

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Some reasons why I teach kids computers.

+70% of todays workforce uses a computer on a daily basis

So how Connected are you compared to a preschool kid?

70% of 4-6 year olds already have used a computer!

And of those 4-6 year olds
•50% play video games
•38% can start the computer themselves
•40% can load software from a CD

These children haven’t yet entered first grade.

Today’s Students
•Have never known "life before the PC"
•Spend an average of 7 hours per week online
•Overwhelmingly use the Internet for homework
•98% see knowledge of Internet usage as "key" to their education
•View technology access as an education right.
•97% say technology access is important for their education.
•71% enjoy using technology and learning new ways to use.
•Students say that at schools with lots of technology they would
•learn more, have more fun, create better projects, be more successful.


  • Amazing how far we've come since my first computer class. It was 7th grade when I first used an Apple 2E.

    If I'm not mistaken, my alarm clock has more memory than the old A2E.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:16 PM  

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