Dum Vivimus Servimus

Monday, October 31, 2005

I say its great to be a Yellow Jacket!

It is awesome to beat Clemson and have Ugag lose! SWEET!

Friday, October 28, 2005

The Titanic is still underwater!

Had a student tell me today I could read his mind. Of course he thinks he wants to be the Captain of the Titanic. So hey this is for you!

iPods become music to teachers’ ears

It looks like this technology is really gaining in popularity.

Podcasting is just one of the interactive technologies, like blogging and hand-held computers, being used to motivate students nationwide. It took off across the country last year, an offshoot of the surging popularity of iPods. A survey of 470 high school students released this month by analysts with Piper Jaffray & Co. found that 61 percent of students had some kind of MP3 player, up from 40 percent in their spring survey.

"This is the kind of technology they use for their daily lives. If schools want to reach today's learners, they can't ignore it," said Don Knezek, chief executive of the International Society for Technology in Education.

Link to Article


Tux Paint is a free drawing program designed for young children (kids ages 3 and up). It has a simple, easy-to-use interface, fun sound effects, and an encouraging cartoon mascot who helps guide children as they use the program. (See the full list of features.) It provides a blank canvas and a variety of drawing tools to help your child be creative.

Tux Paint

The Last Titan

The Last Titan Credit : Courtesy 30th Space Wing, Vandenberg Air Force Base

On October 19th, a rocket blasted off from Vandenberg Air Force Base - the last Titan rocket. Carrying a payload for the US National Reconnaissance Office, the successful Titan IV B launch brings to a close the Titan program whose first launch was in 1959. Originally designed as an intercontinental ballistic missile, the Titan rocket ultimately evolved into a heavy lift workhorse, launching defense, commercial, and scientific payloads to Earth orbit and beyond. In fact, many historic space explorations began with Titan launches, including manned Gemini missions, the Viking missions to Mars, the Voyager tours of the outer solar system, and the Cassini spacecraft now orbiting Saturn. Cassini's probe Huygens accomplished the most distant landing on another world, while Voyager 1 is now humanity's most distant spacecraft.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

To Hell with Georgia

I can't believe I have gotten this far in this blog without say this:
THWG !!!

Some reasons why I teach kids computers.

+70% of todays workforce uses a computer on a daily basis

So how Connected are you compared to a preschool kid?

70% of 4-6 year olds already have used a computer!

And of those 4-6 year olds
•50% play video games
•38% can start the computer themselves
•40% can load software from a CD

These children haven’t yet entered first grade.

Today’s Students
•Have never known "life before the PC"
•Spend an average of 7 hours per week online
•Overwhelmingly use the Internet for homework
•98% see knowledge of Internet usage as "key" to their education
•View technology access as an education right.
•97% say technology access is important for their education.
•71% enjoy using technology and learning new ways to use.
•Students say that at schools with lots of technology they would
•learn more, have more fun, create better projects, be more successful.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Friday Night Hoops Fest!!!

Tech fans can meet the 2005-06 Yellow Jacket men's and women's teams at the annual Hoops Fest, next Friday, Oct. 28, the night before the Yellow Jackets' Homecoming football game against Clemson. The men's and women's teams will be available for photographs and autographs from 7-9 p.m. at Alexander Memorial Coliseum. There will be games and activities for children, including a Halloween costume contest.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

The Chili and Cornbread was as expected and the fall weather fit it perfectly. I even wore a long sleeved shirt today.

The Tech game on Saturday has been moved to 3:30 pm which sets up great for me to go to the Etowah Volleyball Regionals at St. Pius.

I love this cartoon. Educators now have may have an even greater impact on the future of America than ever before. That is if we are going to compete globally. Look at this from the recent Tech and Learning Webinar I participated in."China’s plan today is to educate 15-20% of their population...they have 1.3 billion people. Therefore, they will have more college graduates than we have people in the United States!" Yes we are underpaid and overworked but so were the heros who ran into the World Trade Center. Both of us are fighting for our nation's future. OK enough soap boxing.

OK I have to be a complete Geek so I must now blog. All geeks do and most are like me lacking a great deal to say. Above is a picture of my extended family doing the Disney thing this summer.

Tonight is going to be a good one. Chili and my mom's sweet cornbread made by my wife. Now that is living!